Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

Today I got my hair cut, all of them. That is not a big surprise, I am not one known for ZZ Top hairstyles. But this one was a little different. I have found moderate success with the chain, Great Clips. The one near our house is busy, and kind of hard to get too. I have found one that is on my way home for work, and that one did a great job the last time. I went there again today. Interesting. Continue reading Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

all good blogs go to heaven…

…and that is where mine went.  Frequent readers of BOS will notice something different.  Two of my posts are missing.  The company that hosts BOS had some corrupt files and corrupt backups as well.  So, the computer ate my homework…..well…two of my posts.  Now, I am not posting as much as I should, so this is a little discouraging.  I remember one of the posts, the last one.  I described my new phone in it.  I have no recollection of the post before it.  Someone will have to remind me.  I just can’t remember it.  It has been a busy weekend.  I recap and add later on.

End of an icon….

Today is the end of an era, the end of an icon.  I grew up in Dallas, and really have watched Channel 8 news that entire time.  I remember some bow-tied weatherman starting in about 1978.  I remember some drunken sportscaster named Dale start soon after that.  Behind the desk was always Tracy Rowlett.  I have always like him, and today is his last day on the air.  Tracy left Channel 8, waited through his no-compete clause and came back to work at Channel 11.   I will always remember his Channel 8 days.  I did not follow him to 11, but I know there are many that did.  Dale Hanson will be retiring soon too, I am sure.  All of the newscasters I trusted as a kid are moving on.  I just hope  Byron Harris sticks around a little bit more too.

Blog Catchup….

Gosh, Facebook really is a timewaster.  I am not even wasting the required time for my blog.  I actually had to remember how to log in.  That is sad.  There have been a lot of meaningful happenings in my life in the last month.

  • I saw Kung Fu Panda with the family a couple weeks back.  It was good.
  • I just saw Wall-E with the family.  Pixar’s worst, IMHO.  Kung Fu Panda was better.
  • My phone died and I got a new phone.  A Nokia 5310.  It is really thin.  I really like it.  The speakerphone could use some help though.
  • I caved and got Lego: Indian Jones for myself, uh..Trey.  Crisana got a new Care Bear.
  • We saw some baseball at the Dr Pepper Frisco Ballpark.
  • Trey had Twilight Camp.  Crisana was a Papoose for most of the week.
  • Debbi went on a scrapbooking weekend, I bach’ed it.  The kids survived……barely.
  • I replaced the battery in the truck.  This is the second one, not bad for a truck coming close to a decade old.
  • The Rangers won the series against the dreaded Yankees.

Okay, an update.  No rhymes, haikus, Suissian meters, or anything else.   I may actually be creative later on.

Back to Facebook.

Timewaster extraordinaire

I now have a Facebook profile. What a complete, useless, waste of my time. So, why do I keep looking at my profile every three minutes? Why to see if I have some new flair, or new friends, or something else. We even had a Facebook party Friday night. Four laptops on our dining room table….all of us on our profile pages, editing them, playing games, whatever. Yes, a real timewaster. My friend count has gone up some. I am now in double digits, may hit three sometime. One of my friends has over 200 friends. If you know her, you would understand. Most of her friends are from some old school in Austin though. I have created a map of where I have been. I am old enough to have forgotten several places I am sure. I have a friend wheel and have done exceedingly well in Star Trek and Lost trivia. I am now on Facebook……and there was much rejoicing….yeah. I have to check and see if something has changed in he last five minutes.

UPDATE:   I spent the rest of night doing something much more productive.  I started to watch the Discovery Channel’s new space flight show.  Watching TV is so much more productive than Facebook.

It is finished….

..and the sky grew black as the night…

My six week project ( that mushroomed to ten ) is finished. I have worked sick, missed very many moments with my kids (from Cub Scouts, trips, activities, bed time stories, etc), and after being told my option was to do it or quit, I give you this:

song chart memes
more graph humor and song chart memes

Yes, what option did I have. “Do, or do not, there is no try.”

All that being said, I think I did a great job on a project that will come in millions over budget and have to get VE’d. That is Value Engineering for you non architectural types.

McFBC Camo Choir

In an earlier post I blogged about the McFBC Men’s Retreat at Pine Cove.  During that retreat plans were being set up for a 150+ man choir to sing the next week.  Well, not only did we sing, but the songs are now on YouTube of all things.  Here is just one of five songs.


I figured it is hard to go wrong with Rich Mullins, so that is the resaoning behind linking that particular song.  Just search on YouTube for camo choir to get the rest.  I won’t link all of them.

AI season ender…Sitar Hero

I watched the AI finale last night sans wife. That’s okay, I am used to that. I wanted David Cook to win, but was not so sure after watching Teusday night’s episode. David Archiledoohickey really won hands down. I then proceeded to watch the results show right afterwards, ahhh..the glory of DVRs. I enjoyed it and was glad that David Cook won. He certainly deserved it. I enjoyed the look way back into the season that debily captured, but this was my favorite…
