Tired of Ketchup? Try drippy noses & gunky ears instead.

Yummmm.  Doesn’t THAT sound appetizing??  Well, that is how my morning started.  Crisana woke up with a VERY crusty nose, which has been happening off and on for about 2 weeks.  I’ve been wondering if she was developing allergies, or just fighting off a persistent cold.  But this morning was THE WORST.  Everything was fine until breakfast, when she uttered those words that just send shivers up my spine…”Mommy, my ear hurts.”  Praise the Lord she uttered those words on a Friday.  Normally, it’s on a Sunday afternoon, around 4:59, or on some night, at around 3:00 A.M.  But glory be, this time it was on a day when the doctor’s office is OPEN…AND it was DURING OFFICE HOURS!!  Hallelujah!

But my bliss was short lived as the ear-infection-that-ate-New-York quickly infiltrated both ears, producing excruciating pain, and reducing my precious little girl to a crying, complaining, grouchy, whimpering, pathetic little creature.  By the time we got to the doctor’s office, the crying gave way to screaming, yelling, and such discomfort that nothing would help.  “Hold me, Mommy” turned to “DON’T TOUCH ME!!”  “Read me a story, Mommy” morphed into “I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!”  I now know what she will be like in labor, and to her future husband, you have my pity.  Don’t worry, she rebounds quickly, it’s all worth it.

According to the pediatrician, it’s a pretty severe ear infection, both ears.  She’s alternating between Motrin/Ibuprofen and Tylenol with Codeine every three hours, and getting ear drops twice a day as well as antibiotics.  Bless her heart, she’s been a trooper all day, but this morning was no fun for either of us.

So no ketchup today.  I’ve dealt with enough mucous today to ruin any appetite.

(Oh, and one positive note from today’s doctor visit:  When they weighed her, she had not only NOT gained any weight, she actually dropped below where she was last time!  So, that’s good news!  Made me feel like what we’re doing is working – and redeemed me from feeling like a failure as a mother.  And I believe we are making positive changes as a family, because the scale at my house – that mean old scale I’ve given up on – actually said I’ve lost 10 pounds.  So, YAY.)

NaBloPoMo part tras….

I have little to say type at this time.  This is just post for NaBloPoMo (GoGoGo).  I hope that I will actually have something inciteful later on.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled life.

Dharma Initiative Tomato Catsup

Well, I am not.

Unwell, I am.

Shiver me timbers, I’ve got the shivers and shakes and aches and pains to match the moans and groans of the sickness.  Pardon any rambling as the fevers may have addled the mind, and the pain of the throat has prevented me from partaking of sustenance (save for a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast).  In this depleted state, I bring you today’s edition of ketchup, Dharma Initiative style.

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted a recap of “LOST”, so you’re in for an industrial-size portion of Dharma Initiative Tomato Catsup.  But that’s how Dharma Initiative does everything, isn’t it? Continue reading Dharma Initiative Tomato Catsup

All I want for Christmas…..

…is my two front teeth.  Well, ol’ snagletooth is no more.  Trey’s two font teeth that have been dangleing for some time now are gone.  He lost one at school, and then Jon, of Random Commands fame, pulled the other last night at church.  Trey had gaps on each side before the teeth fell out, so he has an impressive set of gums right now.  It is pretty cool.  Pics to be posted soon.

Another packet of ketchup

Today we open a new packet of ketchup.  Be careful not to squeeze too hard, or else you’ll end up getting it all over you.  Today, our concentrated vinegar-and-tomato paste morsel will cover the highlights of our recent family excursion to South Padre Island.  Twenty hours of drive time, plus 7 days of sightseeing, all condensed into a few short paragraphs.  For such a pithy, erudite wordsmith as I, an easy task!  (har har, wink wink)

Disclaimer:  I must admit, I was wary of traveling to SPI.  Though I had heard it was a “great beach,” I had seen enough of Galveston Island to wonder if Texans truly even KNOW what a “great beach” is.  Having grown up in Florida, and spent lots of time touring the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S., I felt I was fairly well-versed in what constitutes a “great beach.”  I am happy to report that yes, SPI is in fact, a “great beach”.  Now back to your regularly scheduled blogging….

Continue reading Another packet of ketchup

Welcome to…

…..November Blogging month.  The idea is to get bloggers to post each day during the month.  Well, get ready for a whole bunch of not much.  My creative writing skills are pretty much maxed out at about ten posts a month.  I doubt I will have multiple post in a day, but rather add on to the daily post.  That could change of course during the month.  This is just an intro, I will add more later as time permits…..