Lock-n-Load Baby!

The Dallas Rotary Club is giving the Dallas Police Department enough money to buy about 700 AR-15s for its officers.  Well that should make everyone feel safe now.  According to the on-air story these are fully automatic AR-15s, so they are really M-16s.  Not quite sure what that diff is.  The AR-15 is the civilian M-16.  Maybe something has changed.  The officers want the guns because the riff-raff is more heavily armed than in the past.  Dallas SWAT may never be the same.  I am a firm believer that gun control is being able to hit your target, but everyday cops with assault rifles?  That may be a tad extreme.  I guess now all cops are SWAT personel.  They do have to take a 40 hour course first though.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

3 thoughts on “Lock-n-Load Baby!”

  1. I remember that bank robbery in LA where the perps had assault rifles, and went fully auto while walking out in body armor. I’d bet the cops would’ve liked to have some heavy artillary in their trunks when that went down, six-shooters just don’t cut it.

    Course if all the customers had assault rifles, the perps wouldn’t have made it out of the bank. 😀

  2. Good point. I am not sure about this concealed gun law. Why conceal them. Show everyone that you are packing. It may make someone think twice before commiting a crime, even if the victum is unarmed. Yeah, let’s take this purse, or kidnap a child in front of a half dozen people with guns. Great way to commit suicide.

  3. And besides it is plainly false that criminals use assault rifles, because there is a ban… er… was a ban on those…

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