
Well, this is it. With thanks to Debbi’s new laptop, I have survived NaBloPoMo. I never even signed up for it. I do not even know what prize(s) I may have missed. I tried to keep most posts informative and not just filler. Some were though.

Today was a good day. It started with the first major freeze of the year. It came with thunderstorms first (Yeah! We need the rain.) Then it got colder and started to sleet, snow, sneet, or whatever you want to call it. I slept in some, not knowing if I was even going to attempt a drive into work. Well, the roads were fine, so I did end up going in. It took only 40 minutes to drive into work. I was excited. Everyone else stayed home and cleared the roads for me. It was awesome. I stayed till about 1:30 and left to finish up the day working from home. It only took about 45 minutes to drive home.  That was awesome as well.  Working from home is a snap with remote desktop.  That sucker is pretty cool. I have never used it, so I am still a little giddy about it.

Men’s group tonight was canned, so it was a family night. We do not get many of those. We celebrated by going to CiCi’s and then drove around our neighborhood looking for Christmas lights. We saw a few. We played a little but, did baths, then off to bed.

My latest obsession right now is getting caught up on Heroes. I did not start watching the show at first, big mistake. It is on par with LOST. I am realing digging the show. It is also fun to have all the epis at my fingertips. I do not have to wait a week to follow the storeyline. I want to watch another epi before the end of the night, so ttyl.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

One thought on “NaBloPoMo-Finale”

  1. Congratulations. It is harder than you think to get 30 days in consecutively. I did 40 in a row for 40DoP back when I blogged at crazygator, but that is now *poof* gone. Hopefully this stint will remain online a while. I do enjoy the journaling aspect of blogging, and I think it is theraputive to try to capture what each days entails.

    You deserve a pat on the back for keeping it up. Don’t at all be intimidated that Tim Challies has blogged consecutively for 1127 days.. because that is just CRAZZEEE.

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