How the mighty have fallen…

Well, I guess the streak ends at 30 days, and starts again today. I actually did plan on posting yesturday, but I just crashed when we got home. I worked from home in the morning, to let the crazies get out of the way, and got into the office at about 11. It was a productive day, so yea! The spouse called saying we had free Chili’s kids meals (thanks to Cub Scouts) so we had a nice dinner at Chili’s. It really was a good meal. The food was good and the kids were perfect. Stuff-Mart was on the way home, so we stopped off there to get the kids new bikes. Gramda gave us money for the kids to have new bikes for Christmas. It was our job to get the bikes. Well, we did that, and both are excited. The only real glitch is that Trey’s bike has only two wheels, no training wheels. I wanted to use his old bike to teach him, but it was consigned. I hope he does not tear up the new bike too much. Trey’s is a reddish-MAROON dirt bike with knobby tires and Crisana’s is pink and purple Princess bike with girly white tires. They both look great, the bikes too. After getting the kids to bed, rather than blogging, I watched two more epis of Heroes, and have just one more to catch up on. I am now more caught up on Heroes than I am on The Unit or Jerico. Figure that one out.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best