Holy Hives, Batman!

We seem to have been stricken with the sickness…  And I, the hives. 

Matt and Trey are teetering on the edges of some kind of upper respiratory infection.  Is it wrong of me to pray for my son to get a full-blown ear infection by TOMORROW AFTERNOON so I can take him  to the doctor BEFORE the weekend?  And poor Matt wants to get sick but his body can’t decide what’s wrong.  Ay-ay-ay.  And just when I think Crisana is over the cold/runny nose/sinus infection/upper respiratory ailment she’s been fighting for, oh, about the last month, she starts with the croupy coughing again. 

 But today, it’s all about the itching.  I have hives.  No, not bee hives, though I’ve hives on my bee-hind.  Would those be bee-hind hives?  It started last night during the Dinner Theater Watch Party, down the back of my legs, and I assumed it was dry skin.  Then, this morning, it had spread all over my legs, onto my wrists, hands, scalp, eyes…you name it, it itches.  I’m scratching like a woman possessed!  Come out, ye demons of itchiness!!

So, I get a steroid shot, scrips for 2 different antihistamines as well as a short course of oral steroids.  Add a partridge in a pear tree and I’m just about done.  I shouldn’t be feeling much of anything for the next few days.  And at this time of year, with all the stress and busyness, that could be a good thing.  A VERY good thing.