Man Discovers Fire!

Obviously so, because on the season finale of “Survivor”, neither Becky nor Sundra could figure out how to get a flame started, much less build a fire.  Good thing a woman wasn’t in charge in primal days or we would have all died out like the dinosaurs.

That had to be one of the all-time funniest “Survivor” moments.  Their incompetence with flint and steel was astounding.  And I laughed out loud when Probst said (after 90 minutes), “Okay, STOP.  We’re going to matches.”  Oy.  Tears were running down my face.  I don’t know how he managed to be so serious.

And rounding out the top three of “Survivor’s Funniest Moments” – Shane and his “blackberry” and pretty much anything Rupert did. 

One thought on “Man Discovers Fire!”

  1. Becky and Sundra were the epitome of FUTR strategery. Becky trying to explain that she was part of the Yul brain-trust was futile at best. Even if she was (and I think that she was the only real confidant that Yul had) trying to grab the coattails from Yul was funny.

    Yul’s best move of the game was tearing out the clue that got him the immunity idol, so he kept that secret. Until the point in the game that it didn’t matter anymore.

    Oz was the king of the challenges, really, Yul et al wouldn’t have had a chance if Ozzie had mutined like the other two losers.

    I’m glad the schemeing caucasians didn’t make the final three or four. For all of Adam’s calling Jonathan a weasel, I’m glad Adam’s weaseling ways were exposed in the final reunion show. Good season. I’d still like to see a Survivor season set in a non-tropical locale, as it was this season was mostly a swimming contest.

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