helpff…my fathe ith fliding off my head

Today I went to the dentist.  I went to the dentist on Tuesday.  Today is Thursday.  That is not a very good sign.  Especailly when the dentist looks in your mouth, screams, and then goes ‘ca-ching!’  Yeah, it has been almost three years since I went to the dentist, and it showed.  Not anymore mind you, my teeth look great now.  I came back today to have my teeth scaled.  Yeah, that sounds like a fun thing to do.  My gingivitis (see spelling bee below) is pretty bad, so he had to clean below the gum lines.  That requires a topical anesthetic (again, see spelling bee below).  Well, I really did not need one.  The entire top of my mouth and lower right side were numb to fill the cavities (spelling bee) that I had.  Yikes.  The entire procedure took just over two hours, so they did it all quickly.  This was also during lunch time, which I just skipped.  I had to wait until I could feel again to eat.  I did not want to gnaw off my lip and not know it.  All is well now, I have some residual pain from the injection points, but that is all.  If I am smart (wise?) I won’t this long again.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best