it’s birthday season: a tribute to my beautiful January babies

I should have posted these on January 14 and 22 respectively, but life’s been a little hectic recently.  Give me a break, huh?!  If I wasn’t so busy planning and executing these tremendous birthday parties, perhaps I’d have more time to, you know, do IMPORTANT stuff like blogging.  Better late than never, I suppose. 

To Trey:

On January 14, 2000, I became a mom for the first time.  Yeah, I was a mom before that, carrying you around in my tummy, but it didn’t seem real until I could see you and hold  you and touch you.  You were pure joy from the moment I saw you for the first time.  Well, joy and a full head of BLACK hair.  You were a hairy little critter, but you were beautiful.  We just kept a little hat on you for a few days and you looked just fine. 

I never knew a more contented, peaceful, easygoing, happy little baby.  You made my life complete, even though I didn’t know I was missing anything.  You helped me discover the wonder in every day.  You made me see the world through different eyes.  Suddenly, fire trucks and police cars became exciting yet friendly, construction zones were places of wonder and delight rather than irritating and trafficky, the sun was dangerous rather than something to be worshipped, and Veggie Tales and The Donut Man became preferred listening over Alan Jackson and Sheryl Crow.  I loved having you all to myself those first few years.  You were my “little man” and I loved the time we shared together.

As you have grown, you have kept that wonderful, delightful personality.  You are such a friendly and outgoing boy, instantly engaging anyone nearby and making them feel like an old friend.  You try new things, cautiously but eagerly, and find joy and laughter in just about every situation.  You are learning to love God and find your way in His plan for your life.  You are an eager evangelist, concerned for your friends and their families.  You go from being “all boy”, roughhousing and sweaty, to being a sensitive, caring, tender big brother to Crisana.  I love your “juicy, wet kisses” and your bear hugs.  You will always be my precious son, and I am proud of all you are, have become, and are growing to be.

 To Crisana:

On January 22, 2003, we welcomed our little princess into our lives.  You were our unexpected surprise, a true blessing in disguise.  You were the missing piece in our family that we weren’t even aware of.  You complete our family in a way that is uniquely you.  I didn’t get to see you until you were already more than 4 hours old, and you too were hairy and wrinkled, but you have become more and more beautiful every day. 

You had your own ideas about how life should work.  While Trey instantly put himself on a schedule, you needed more convincing.  When Trey nursed exactly 10 minutes on each side, with a break to burp in between, you saw nursing as an interruption to your social interactions and refused more than 3 minutes on a side, and when you did nurse longer, I ended wearing whatever you ate.  Trey was a back/side sleeper, you HATED sleeping on your back.  I prayed for MONTHS for God to protect you every time you went to bed because I had to put you on your tummy.  You were definitely your own little person!

Though your first year of life was difficult, you showed your resilient personality.  You don’t let anything get you down for long.  You bounce back with a spritely “I’m okay!” and off you go.  You can hang tough with the best of them.  You, too, are outgoing and friendly, never knowing a stranger.  You love to do things that “big kids” do.  You love school, learning, and being a big girl.  You are independent yet connected, strong yet nurturing, assertive yet sensitive.  I love our times together, shopping, running errands, or just “hanging out.”  You already show a love of God and have begun hiding God’s precious promises in your heart to bring you comfort and strength during times of uncertainty.  I pray that like Trey, God will write His name on your heart and bring you to Himself at an early age so you can experience the joy of a life lived for Him.  I look forward to all you are going to be, but I love who you are right now.

Happy, happy birthday to my two snow babies!

With love and BIG WET KISSES,


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