Scouting for food

Well all good scouts know how to scout for food in the wild. But we have some scouts who know how to scout for food at Tom Thumb! Today we were at Tom Thumb passing out Scouting for Food bags to guests as they were walking in. They walked out with over two shopping carts of food for the poor. In two hours time we filled over two carts of food for the McKinney Food Bank. I was very impressed. Trey had a great time, even said it was fun, and behaved himself very well. He was very tenacious though. No Fear! I did have to reel him back from people who were talking on their cell phones as they were walking in. When we left I saw two pickups full of food, and I know they had made earlier runs to the pantry as well. Pack 303 appears to have done an awesome job. I am proud of those boys and my Tiger Cub.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best