Hey, I am on the list…..

Take the Heroes personality quiz here:

Isaac Mendez
You scored 29 Idealism, 45 Nonconformity, 62 Nerdiness

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. Congratulations, you’re Isaac Mendez! You’re a talented, creative, artistic soul with a few demons you’ve been working to overcome. You are really passionate person and you are not afraid to express yourself or your emotions. Your best quality: Creativity and artistic talent. Your worst quality: A possibly addictive or indulgent personalityHeroes - Isaac Mendez

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 9% on Idealism
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You scored higher than 40% on Nonconformity
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You scored higher than 70% on Nerdiness

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

2 thoughts on “Hey, I am on the list…..”

  1. Here’s my score:
    Eden McCain
    You scored 37 Idealism, 62 Nonconformity, 29 Nerdiness
    I think you really want a donut.
    Congratulations, you’re Eden McCain! You’ve got a colorful past, and your persuasive abilities are second to none. In addition, you’re a quick thinker with a solid amount of guts. Your best quality: The art of persuasion Your worst quality: A fondness for some stereotypically “bad” behavior

    As long as I wasn’t Nathan, who Ron believe that I would be, I am okay with that. Better yet, I am not whiny Peter, gosh I dislike him with the dislike of 10,000 desert suns.

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