I’m not weird, I’m quirky

Okay, so Sweet Bippy did this and I thought it was a great idea, so here goes.  The topic: 6 weird things about me.  So here, in no particular order, are the top 6:

6)  I LIKE CLEANING BATHROOMS!  There’s something therapeutic to me about scrubbing toilets, bathtubs, and sinks.   It’s been that way nearly all my life.  I was the camper who volunteered to scrub potties each week at camp.  I had a part-time job in college my freshman year cleaning the bathrooms in 2 dorms.  What can I say?  It does my heart good to look at gleaming white porcelain.

5)  I FOLD MY UNDERWEAR IN THIRDS AND ROLL MY SOCKS.   I was taught this as the normal way to fold clothes.  However, I’ve been told by others (namely former boyfriends and my current husband) that that is WEIRD.  Frankly, I think my way is normal and it’s everyone else who has it wrong.  Oh, and the underwear must be right-side out.  I cannot stand having inside-out folded clothes.

4)  I TALK TO MYSELF WHEN I’M GETTING READY.  I hold long-winded conversations with my reflection, recounting stories, rehearsing “speeches”, sharing secrets.  I’m the best listener I know, and I always find my jokes funny, my stories entertaining, and my insights…well…insightful.  This quirk also extends to scrapbooking where I’ve been known to not only talk to myself, but compliment me on my brilliant ideas and get excited over plans that come together.

3)  MY EARLOBES ARE MISSHAPEN.  This is not due to some genetic malfunction or design flaw.  Rather, it’s a product of a girlhood dream gone bad.  You see, all my growing up years, I wanted pierced ears.  My parents promised me that when I turned 12, I could get them pierced.  Let me tell you how long those years seemed!  Well, my 12th birthday came and went.  No piercings.  My 13th birthday came and went, and still my lobes remained fully intact.  And to add insult to injury, my oldest brother sent me a beautiful set of pierced earrings from Thailand, 24K gold with sapphires.  But could I wear them?  Nope.  So they sat in my jewelry box, mocking me daily.  Finally, after my 14th birthday, my mom surprised me by taking me to the Piercing Pagoda in Dadeland Mall.  I have never experienced pain like that in my life, but oh, it was worth it and you bet your bottom dollar I didn’t complain!  As the years passed, it became more and more difficult to close the earrings and I even began to lose the backs of my earrings.  Turns out, I was forming keloid scars behind both ears – nasty, red, bumpy lumps of scar tissue.  Not painful, but annoying.  Finally, at age 18, the keloids were big enough that wearing earrings was nearly impossible, and the scars had to be surgically removed.  As a result, the piercings were surgically closed and my earlobes are now somewhat flat across the bottom because of the tissue that was removed.  I have had to wear clip earrings ever since.  *Sigh*

2)  I HAVE SPECIAL ROUTINES FOR EVERY TASK I DO.  I alternate washing dishes: one from the sink, one from the counter.  I clean house “in rhythm” with loads of laundry.  I separate the ironing into discrete piles and use that to determine which clothes I will iron.  I play little mental games with myself as I am completing chores so that housework is like a competition.  Don’t try to understand it, don’t try to figure out the rules, and by golly, don’t try to tell me a more efficient way.  My way might be quirky, but it’s FUN!

Which brings us to…

1) I DON’T LIKE TO TALK ON THE PHONE.  I am just not a phone person.  I don’t know why.  It hasn’t always been this way, but it’s true.  I’d rather email, IM, or just talk in person.  I guess because it’s difficult to hold conversations with myself when someone else keeps interrupting!

I’m sure my husband and friends could add more to this list.  They’re probably already thinking, “ONLY 6 things?  Sheesh!”  Yeah, I’m quirky, but I’m unique.  And you know you love me for it.  Because despite my quirkiness, I know I am beautiful underneath – a loyal friend, a hardworking employee, a dedicated wife and mother, and a sincere person.  I can live with that.