“Farm Boy, fetch me that pitcher…”

Following her triumph with the kickboard, Crisana was relaxing poolside with her apparent future husband, Michael. He and the other children were wrapped in towels enjoying a snack. Crisana, the dainty fragile flower she is, began to shiver. She looked around and commented loudly, “I sure am cold! I need a towel!”

She then turns to Michael and orders, “GO GET ME ONE!”

“As you wish, my dear darling princess.” Learn those words now, Michael m’boy, and save yourself a lot of trouble. Either that, or “Run, Forrest, Run.”

2 thoughts on ““Farm Boy, fetch me that pitcher…””

  1. I think he has her number like any future husband should. When Crisana was crying at our house because Michael wouldn’t share (afterall, she can’t use the “I’ll marry you tactic on him because they are already going to be married) and while she was wailing away, he says to her, ” That is a fake cry, lemme see some tears!” to which she replied, “What?!” and immediately stopped crying. She knew he called her bluff. Ahhh…married life..ain’t it grand?!

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