Hey Guys, Watch This!

The words you never want to hear from a redneck. Why? Because you know someone is going to get hurt. What happens when this comes from your 4 year old daughter’s mouth? Well, she almost drowns. That is an exaggeration, but it makes for good story telling. Last night we were at the Texas Pool. The kids had gone into the water and I was about too. The Texas Pool is a Texas shaped pool. I was standing in northern Mexico, Crisana was on the pool island, say around Ennis. She yells, “Hey Daddy, Look at me!” She proceeds to jump into the pool with a noodle. She hits the water, the noodle flies from underneath her, and she starts going down. She is really struggling to keep mouth above water. (cue Baywatch music) I run into the pool and make Kingsville / Corpus Christi in about one second and now I am in a full swim. I reach Austin in the next second and reach her after about three seconds, pick her up, bring her to the island ladder, and she is just fine. Not even coughing really. (end Baywatch music) Later on that night she really was doing a great job of swimming, but we still have to keep an eye on her. Trey can swim pretty much by himself and has a blast.

I started this with the mention of rednecks, so here is a list of events at the Redneck Games.

  • Bobbing for Pig’s Feet
  • Seed Spitting
  • Dumpster Diving
  • Hubcap Hurling
  • Armpit Serenade
  • Big Hair and the…..
  • Mud Pit Belly Flop!

I don’t know when the next Redneck Games is, but I am sure it is something to behold.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

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