Love the skin you’re in

Today was my first-ever visit to a dermatologist, and while I won’t bore you with the details of that visit, I will share a story of something that happened while we were there.  I’ve always known Trey and Crisana shared a special relationship, but this made me realize just how special that relationship is.

I had scheduled an appointment for Trey as well, for a couple of reasons.  One was a mole that seemed somewhat suspicious to me.  As the dermatologist checked it, she reassured me that children very rarely are diagnosed with melanoma.  However, since the mole fit all 4 criteria, she recommended that we go ahead and biopsy it just to be sure.  She commented that if that mole had been found on an adult, there would be absolutely no question as to whether or not to biopsy it.  The biopsy entailed a shot to numb the area, extraction of a tissue sample, and a single stitch to close it all up.  None of which is an appealing prospect to a 7-year-old.  Especially one that has needle phobia.

However, by talking him through it (and allowing them to freeze off my warts first, I guess so he could see Momma in some pain, too), he managed to allow us to peform the biopsy.  As he lay down for the shot, he was really nervous.  He was crying, and trying very hard to be brave (but being 7 kept getting in the way of that).  I laid across his shoulder, holding him down, stroking his hair, and talking calmly to him as he kept crying out, “I don’t want to do this!  I don’t want to do this!  Please don’t do this!”  A cry of pain and several tears later, the worst was over.  He looked at the nurse and pleaded to be allowed to sit up for a hug.  As I held him, I reassured him of his bravery and thanked him for lying still so they could do the shot, and reminded him that I had promised him a special treat from Toys ‘R’ Us if he was a brave boy.  Just then, I heard a little voice, all choked up, asking, “Do I get a special treat from Toys ‘R’ Us too?”  I looked over to see Crisana’s red-rimmed eyes brimming up with tears, and her bottom lip quivering.  Knowing that Trey was over the worst, I went over to her.  Gathering her up in my arms, she dissolved into a puddle of tears as she choked out, “Is Trey all better?”  An arrow through my heart!  With tears in MY eyes now, I reassured her that Trey was fine, and a very brave boy…and yes, we’d get her a treat too, for being such a brave sister!

For all their brother-sister bickering and arguing, I have to admit they really DO like and care about each other.  I look forward to watching that relationship grow even stronger as they get older.

One thought on “Love the skin you’re in”

  1. What a sweet moment between you three! Sometimes the worst part is seeing someone you love in pain and being helpless to do anything about it…oh and hoping it won’t be you next! lol
    From someone who has had her fair share of biopsies, I will be praying that everything turns out just fine for Trey.
    You were so brave Trey! You must be very proud of yourself! Crisana, you are the best little sister to worry so much for Trey!
    Hugs from Mrs. Stueve!

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