nudder update

Well, my blog posting seems to have slowed down. I guess it is like a bell curve. The big news in sports is that Boston has won the World Series! Yea!! The manager set a record of winning seven world series games in a row, then extended the record to eight games. That is the four games in the 2004 series and the four in the 2007 series for those who do not quite understand. A-Rod has decided to become a free agent because he is tired of the problem Yankees players. I do not care much about A-Rod, but it does free up 8 million a year that we have been paying to play against us. Another yea! Tony Romo has done well and got a 60 million dollar contract with 31 million guaranteed. He will now make more in one game than I will in my lifetime. Unless I invent some really cool gadget or create a really cool business. Don’t hold your breath on that one folks.

The biggest news is that my office has finally moved! YEA!!!!!!!! My commute has dropped from 65 minutes to about 23 minutes! I am now much closer to Trey’s school. I can now meet him for lunch and stuff without killing half a day. I am also closer to doctor’s too, so that helps in that area as well. The new digs are pretty cool. The bulk of the construction was finished before the move, but they are still finishing up. I expect most work to be done by Thanksgiving.

I have not heard much on the Fred front, but that also means I have not heard any reason to not vote for him. (or take down the adds in the right sidebar wither)

Trey is doing well with Cub Scouts again this year. We just finished popcorn sales and Mommy Trey sold just over $1000 in popcorn. His prizes are a marshmallow blaster and an mp3 player. Trey thinks it is an ipod. Sorry bud.  Our next scout adventure is a family campout this weekend.  The weather should be just about perfect.

That is all for now, I may update this update later on.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best