That would be “Single Side Double Density” for the geek types out there.  The others can use your imagination.

Life is life.  There is just not a whole lot of interesting stuff going on.  We went on a Cub Scout family campout the weekend of the 4th.  It was fun.  We had to get a new tent and some other supplies before the trip.  It was still fun.  I brought the trebuchet, and it was an instant hit.  The kids got in a line and launched a tennis bal, probably farther than they could throw.  The treb was not perfectly tuned, but the kids did not care.  One kid, the Cubmaster’s son, really got beaned during one launch.  It was fun to dust it off.  I sent links to the Cubmaster of where I got plans for it.  Maybe we will have a Pack 303 Hurl Off.

We visited FBC Allen last weekend.   This was our first weekend to start shopping for a new church.  It also happens to be where Crisana goes to pre-school. That is a major plus, but not enough.  We may be back, but I don’t think that is where God is leading us.  I think we will visit FBC McKinney this weekend.  We will visit Stonebriar, Cottonwood Creek, and Tony Even’s church as well.  I don’t expect to join Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, but it should be an experience.

I am really enjoying my shorter commute to work.  The contractor is slowly getting things done, but we have been operational, in the new space, for two weeks now.  There is still a lot more to do.  I have heard rumors that it may be February before everything is finished the way we want it.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

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