and crown him with many crowns…

Not Jesus silly! Me! (Notice the small ‘h’ in him?) Today I got my first crown. It is not even a real one either, just a temporary one to boot. It took quite a bit of time, but hey, it is done. A normal filling takes 45 minutes or so. This took about an hour more, maybe even longer. It takes about 20 minutes to get there from work, so I was gone about three hours from the office. Not exactly the way I would want to leave the office, but it works. I will have the temp for about two and a half weeks before getting the permanent one. They estimate on January 7th. Half my face is still sliding off my skull and my tongue does not like the temp crown. I may have to back tonight or tomorrow morning to get the temp tweaked. That will not be a big deal if I have too.

Things I learned from this experience:

Well really just one thing.  Eat first!  The appointment was at 11:00 and boy am I hungry!  While my temp crown can chew most foods, my mouth is not quite ready to eat.  It is still sliding off my skull.  Once I get sensation back I will grab something.  I just want to make sure I am chewing a burrito and not my cheek.  Well, back to the grindstone…….

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best