2 down, none to go….

They are His.  No, really, they are His.  That’s right, both of them.   Both have been His for some time, but today was an important day.  Crisana was baptized today.  She came to saving knowledge some eight months back, but today was the day she was dunked.  She was so excited too!  She woke up this morning and wanted to get into her swim suit instantly.  It was a joy to be there for her.  She did great too, no crying, screaming, etc. that little kids could do when being dunked.

We had some special friends visit church too, as well as Aunt Buff and Grandma.  We also had a little a party afterwords at casa del Speer.  I grilled a bunch of chicken while Debbi worked on salads, fruit, veggies and the like.  As with all special parties, for kids, there was a cake as well.  I can assure you it was a South Beach approved cake.  No sugar was used in the making of the cake.  Only 100% whole wheat unenriched flour was used in the cake too.  In fact, it was a carrot cake….with zucchini…and only extra virgin olive oil was used too….yeah…that’s right.  In fact, it was just a pita…not a cake…and I only had one piece too…yeah…that’s right.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

One thought on “2 down, none to go….”

  1. Yeah, that whole wheat, carrot, zucchini, extra virgin olive oil, pita cake was very good. It was so good in fact, it tasted just like a real cake!!

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