But I am a Virgo, not a Cancer….

Well, we received the final diagnosis today.  The is the final “stand up in court” diagnosis.  I have cancer.  Not very dramatic, huh?  The official title is Lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin’s disease (LPHD).  Whadda ya think of that?  Quite the mouthful.  It pretty means the same thing we have been saying for several weeks now…..Hodgkin’s.  We did learn that only about 3% of all cancers are Hodkin’s and only about 5% of those are the type I have.  So, I guess I am one in  a million then.

We meet with the doctor on Monday.  This may be my final time to see Dr. Myer.  He was just there to diagnose, nothing more.  The next step is to get a second opinion from MD Anderson and get into an oncologist to start discussing treatment options and stuff.  So, not much more on the news front, except for a really killer name.  Literally.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best