New Math

We met with a possible treating oncologist yesterday.  He seemed very knowledgeable, but was just reading through his script.  I have this type of lymphoma….this is the treatment for it.  He was not really thinking, just going through the motions.  But, for the most part, he goes through the motions because that is what works.  The lymphoma I have is very rare, but very treatable.  He feels there is very little difference between the 5 year survival rate and the 20 year.  That is certainly good news.  I will not be undergoing radiation therapy either.  The cancer has spread too far for them to use radiotherapy.  Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice.  “and there was much rejoicing……yea.”

This is where we get to the new math.  I will have 6 chemo treatments.  That seemed a little low to me, but I won’t argue.  Well, they were having a two for one deal.  6 treatments really means 12.  6 is the new 12.  1 treatment equals two sessions, so 6 treatments equals 12 chemo sessions.  Yea.  He also wants to do a bone marrow biopsy to see if it has spread into my bone marrow.  Yea.  I hope it hurts less than last years prostate biopsy.  I wonder what will be biopsied next year?

They also want to install a mediport too.  It is a resevior implanted under the skin that leads to a catheter that runs into a main vein.  It makes inserting the chemo drugs easier.  Yet another yea.  “Glad to make it easy for ya doc. “  The therapy drugs of choice is ABVD.  The chemo drugs for this lymphoma may make me sick, not sure.  It will almost assuredly make my hair fall out.  The good news is that my hair may even grow back thicker.  I wonder if it will be red?  The next step is my second opinion from MD Anderson.  Vacation is next.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

One thought on “New Math”

  1. Hang in there Matt, i went through the rare lymphoma chemo thing and have been in remission going on eight years. Take it from a fellow Trek geek in Brooklyn, NY, it’s no biggie in the end. Just be careful about who does the mediport…..mine was installed with staph and it was the worst part of the whole experience…..10 days in sloan-kettering. Nasty. enjoy vacation

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