Pole Position

I needed a couple of items from Costco, so yesturday I volanteered to go.  Debbi added a couple of other items onto the list.  No biggie.  The next time I volanteer to go to Costco on Saturday, please shoot me.  OMG!  Downtown Cairo, which I have seen many times, is more orderly and less congested than Costco.  I have now witnessed ‘cart rage.’  No where else can you see three people rounding a corner, with the person in the outside lane jockying for postion.  NASCAR has nothing on these people.  The best part is that these three people, rounding the corner at full speed, are running into seven other carts.  No one bothers to move their cart out of the way anymore.  It is SUCH a bother.  I’ll just leave itn the middle of the freakin’ aisle and let people go around me.  People can’t go around you because the EMTs are performing CPR on a 2-year old that was run over by three different carts.  Are the $18 swim suits really that important?  The food samples, sure!  But the swim suits?  Of course the EMTs really are doing nothing to do because they need parental approval, and the parents are three aisle down and have no clue where their child is.  I quickly figured out that racing down the aisles behind the freezers is the way to go.  Three checkout lines seems to be about the average too, so checkout only took 45 minutes or so.  I cound’t figure out if I was at Costco or Dick’s Last Resort!  GIMME YOUR CARD!!!  WE TAKE AMERICAN EXPRESS ONLY, NOT MASTERCARD OR VISA.  WELL, VISA CHECK CARDS ARE OKAY!!!  YES, THESE 45 PEIRCINGS ARE REAL!!   Such friendly service.  I like Costo, just not on Saturdays.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best