My 2nd Apple

Today, I purchased my 2nd Apple computer. Well, it may not be a computer, but I think it has more processing power than my first one. Let’s see:

Apple II+
64K RAM (with 16K expansion card)
no graphic capabilites, used 15″ B/W screen

Apple 5G ipod
30GB Hard Drive (not sure about RAM)
2.5″ LCD screen capable of playing videos

The Apple II+ ran on the 6502 microprocesor (Minolta?). I do not know what chip the ipod uses, but I figure it has more computing power than the II+. I have about 2.5GB of songs that I have already ripped, with about the same to go. The rest of the space will be used as a portable hard drive. When I run out of space, I’ll get a real portable hard drive. That is the idea at least. This new ipod includes the ability to display album art, so that is pretty cool. It is synching now, so I will give a review a little bit later.

This was a birthday gift from my bride, so thanks Honey!! xxxxooo

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

One thought on “My 2nd Apple”

  1. *hurmpf* errr.. I mean… congrats on the new puter… now go get yer wife a laptop as a thank you!. 😀

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