Lions & Tiger Cubs Oh My!

Well there were not any lions, but there were a large number of Tiger Cubs. Trey had a Tiger Cub lock in at he First United Methodist Church of Allen. The lock in was for all Tiger Cubs in the Arrowhead District of the Circle 10 Council. Oh My! My guess is that were about 125 Cubs there with their adult partner. We all slept in the gym. It was full, but Trey had a blast, and Dad enjoyed it too.

We all checked in at 7:00pm. That was probably the most chaotic thing, and it was still pretty smooth. When we checked in, Trey got his hand stamped, a tiger’s paw, and we got a ziploc bag of items we would need for the night. The first order was to make paper airplanes. I made Trey’s and he promply started flying. Boy they had fun. He lost the airplane and got a similar one. The newer one did not fly as good as the one I made. I should have stayed in aerospace engineering I guess. They had a pull the tail from the Tiger Cub game and four separate crafts. He made a Tootsie Pop ghost, a pumpkin, a tamborine, and a paper bag puppet. It was now about 9:30 (Dad was tired) and time for a pizza snack.

After that it was story time. They took all the kids out for a story time, maybe 40 minutes or so. This was just an excuse for the parants to work. It was now time to prep the gym for bedtime. We set up air mattresses and sleeping bags. We filled the entire gym floor. Debbis went to Target earlier in the week and got a couple aof air mattresses and a sleeping bag for Trey. Dad already had one that worked just fine. Debbi also got an electric pump to fill the mattresses too. Lemme correct, Debbi got an automotive electric air pump. Oh well, I borrowed someone elses. It worked, but I did not fill the mattress to the correct sleep number. It was still too soft, but I still got some sleep.

The kids returned to the reconfigured gym and it was movie time. They played an old Disney film that involved scouting. It was pretty good. I dozed through parts of it, but followed the story. It also co-starred 13 year old child actor Kurt Russell. That was a trip. He played the local trouble maker, not really much of an acting job for him. Follow me, Boys! is the title. Debbi saw it when she was a camp, as a youngster, too.

I do not know what time the movie started, but it was before midnight. It ended well after one, and closer to two, I think. It was now sleep time. Trey passed out during the movie, but woke up at the end. He said, “This is the bestest night ever!” I was not going to argue. It was a rough night sleep, but I managed to get about 2 1/2 to 3 hours in. We woke up at 6:15 to start packing. We did not rush and were one of the last ones to leave at about 7:15. All in all, it was a good time.

I took a short rest after getting home, did not sleep, and then proceeded to finish painting the media room. I got done in time to shower and doze through the Texas A&M / Tech game. Like most games in the series, it was a nailbiter with Tech winning in the last minute. So, Saturday was busy too.

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Born 9/11 Registered Architect, State of Texas Star Trek is the best

2 thoughts on “Lions & Tiger Cubs Oh My!”

  1. sounds like a fun night… we didn’t stay for bedtime last year… which was okay… because I got a good night’s sleep!

  2. ok, just have to comment on the air mattress….
    “t worked, but I did not fill the mattress to the correct sleep number. It was still too soft, but I still got some sleep.”
    sleep number?? me thinks you had your own sleep number bed on the brain and was wishing you were sleeping on the real thing!

    Glad you guys had fun!

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