No ketchup, but a whole condiment bar instead

No ketchup today.  Sorry.  You see, I’m in a real pickle.  Today being Halloween, we have our annual FallFest (the celebration formerly known as Bibleland).  Though I relish the position of supervising, the job ultimately falls to me to be sure this outreach will cut the mustard.  No need to butter me up, I am just salt-y enough to believe it will come together.  Of course, I’ve been pepper-ed with lots of requests, questions, and emails over the past couple of months, so I know that things will start to jell(y) once we get started.  I won’t sugar coat anything – it’s been a lot of work, and a lot of stress to pull something this big together.  The children will be dressing up in costumes, some Italian, some French, maybe a Russian or two, perhaps a traveler from Catalina or one of the Thousand Islands, but I’m sure there will be some straight off the Ranch.  I promise, I’m not being sauce-y, just honest.  And at times, I wonder if I’m just a total dip.  I have far too many ideas sprout-ing to believe that, though.  All I can say is lettuce just pray that all goes well!

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One thought on “No ketchup, but a whole condiment bar instead”

  1. excellent… I hope you have something to store all of those condiments so they don’t go sour. See y’all tonight!

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