The Island Spoke to Me

You see an eye, a closed eye.  MY closed eye.  My closed, SLEEPING eye.  My closed, sleeping eyelid that flutters and flits with the deep, dream-inducing state that is REM sleep.

Then, suddenly, the eye pops open. 

No, not really.  I’m still asleep.  But work with me.  Okay, so the camera angle cuts to my perspective, and you see me in a type of camp, on a beach.  Like a survival camp.  Like from a plane crash or something.  Except there are JEEPS and army transport vehicles driving to and fro.  Oh, and a waterslide.

So then, you see a bunch of us new people (we’re the ones with the clean clothes, who also smell pretty good) being herded into an army transport vehicle to be taken to some mysterious location.  The buzz around the place is that The Others are taking us to their camp.  Suddenly, John Locke appears and hops into the back of the truck with us.  Whew!  It sure is good to have a familiar face around here.  Someone on the INSIDE, who knows what they’re doing!  He’s a HUNTER!  He’ll save us!

So I’m feeling all warm and cozy while being bounced around the back of this cattle-car driving through the jungle.  Or maybe I’m just sweating.  Anyway, so we’re all wondering, “Why are we here?”  “What’s going on?”  “What’s to become of us?”  And then, Locke reveals the secret of the island.  The secret he discovered when he looked into the heart of The Island.  The secret he’s been holding inside for 66-some-odd days…THE SECRET IS THIS…. 

The others have no secret camp or other island.  They have no nefarious plans.  They are not evildoers, seeking to subvert cognitive freedom and instill fear in the hearts of those who dare tread on their sacred ground.

No, my friend.

They are simply running a haunted house and they need new and fresh helpers to keep it scary.


Thus ends my dream and the vision I received from The Island.

The end.

One thought on “The Island Spoke to Me”

  1. The Haunted House theory… hmmmm… I tell you, I’ve heard stranger theories, from snow-globes to aliens.

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