I do what I don’t want to….

Well, the decision has been made. I have resigned to the fact that my next piece of computer technology will be store bought.  For the last six months or so I have been dreaming of a Windows Home Server, well of building one.  That dream has died.  It just ain’t gonna happen.  I spec’ed and priced components yesterday.  I am very happy with the system build.  I believe it would be a great machine, but my machine comes in $15 cheaper than the HP MediaSmart Home Server.  I am gonna have to go with HP.  It almost makes me cry.  I was so looking forward to building that machine.  Now my machine did have a better CPU, RAM, case, power supply, and probably motherboard.  The HP is still a good machine.  That extra $15 gets me some cool software for picture sharing, service and warranty too.  That is really the main reason.  Amazon does not charge tax and shipping is free too.  There are no hidden costs.  The machine I had spec’ed did not include shipping on it.  I don’t believe there would have been any tax, but you never know.  The time frame is a different story.  I was going to get the case and power supply on Friday.  Amazon is sold out right now, but I would like to order by year’s end.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Cadillac CTS

I have seen several new Cadillac adds the past several days.  They have been for the CTS.  One add explains that the CTS comes with a 40GB hard drive.  Great!  I love hard drives, the bigger the batter.  Why?  Because size does matter.  My only questions why does a car some with a 40GB hard drive.  I could understand a car coming with an ipod, or another mp3 player, but a 40GB hard drive?  Why do I need that.  Do all of the diagnostic logs require that much space?  Is the car powered my Microsoft and has to expand to use all available resources, and then some?  Can someone please explain why my car now needs a hard drive the same size as my laptop’s?  I know we have to integrate technology, but that is a bit overkill.  Another question: what OS does a GM car run on?

This is my mower, there are many like it, but this one is mine…


Below the fold are three pics of my wonderful Troy (not very well) Built Mower. I would see if you can find out the problem, but I will explain. This has been going on a year before the blog was even started, so I have been very patient. The main problem is the front wheel bushings. They are poorly designed and fall off. They do this a lot. I have sent this very mower back to have warranty work, to fix this problem, two separate times. I have also fixed this problem on this same mower no less than six times. It is just a very, very poor design. It takes three hands to fix the bushings. The number is three. Two is not enough, and four is right out. I have tried to fix this problem with just two hands. After 30 minutes of trying, it was still not fixed. I got my lovely bride’s help, and it took about 45 seconds. That was a faster case, but it usually takes less than two minutes. I have to remove a cotter pin and slide the bushing into the place for insertion. The odd thing is that there is no way to force it into place. In theory they should not fall out, but they do. We all know about theories, Evolution is one too.

Continue reading This is my mower, there are many like it, but this one is mine…

Happy Birthday, Part Deaux

Well, I was going to update the birthday post, but no one will see it buried down on this page, so here is the update.

Blogospeer is officially one year old. It took me a while to come up with the name. I had wanted a blog for a while, but could not settle on the name. Once it came, it was started. I certainly like the play on words. Once settled, I looked at themes and had two themes that I loaded before settling on this binary blue theme. I like it as well. It is looking a tad old, but it as served me well. In the past year we have touched on many different items. Some were sports related (go Aggies and Rangers), political (Islamic bombs), comical (Douglas Adams, Monty Python, and others), TV and movies (Star Trek, Galaxyquest, Lost, Star Trek, Heroes, Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica, Star Trek) and an odd assortment of other items.

I want to thank all four of readers for supporting me this year. I have enjoyed the blog, though do not post as often as I should. I did survive NaBlogPoMo last Novmeber, thanks to my wife’s new laptop. It is sad, but I have seen some blogs die in the past year. RealVerse being one of them. Bethany, we miss you. I still check about every month or so, but am taking you off the blogroll. Sorry. I have seen some new one’s come on line as well. SweetBippy being one, and now my sweet bippy is branching out to her own blog. We had the domain since last October, but now is the time. Please welcome debily.com to the blogospeer!  We hope to get her final theme uploaded and running tonight, but it may take a day or two.

I do not know what is in store this year for the blogospeer, but I will continue to randomly post.

T+ one month and counting….

Well, it has been over a month since I last posted.  I am not sure I have a whole lot to say.  Life has been going on as it has with everyone else.  I have been busy with work, projects around the house, being a dad, running sound at church, etc.  There is not a lot of news to report.  RC and I went out on a pricing run, to Fry’s, a couple of weeks back or so.  That was fun.  I am wanting to get a Windows Home Server up and running, so we priced components for a build.  That was fun.  During this past month the Rangers have been the best team in the majors, and even one of the radio talents have actually seen this blog.  I think I have Joe to thank for that!  I hate that this seems to be filler.  I could type about the war in Iraq, immigration, or some other topic, but I am being low key for a while.  Maybe I need to go see the doctor, that is not usual for me.

I love my gerk!

Actually, he’s not a gerk, as we’ve discovered. Check out this link:


This helpful, handy-dandy chart will once and for all end the debate of who’s a geek, who’s a nerd, and who, unfortunately, is a dork. I encourage you to print one out and hang it on your refrigerator as a quick reference guide when entertaining houseguests. You might also want to have an extra copy for work, to better equip you in dealing with those annoying co-workers. Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

And which one am I? Oh, my dear friend, I am none of the above. Because, you see, I am PERFECT.

Update:  The geek had to fix the link so it would work.

Geek type stuff

This may turn into national blog posting day! Two posts in one day, and I have more to type if I get the chance too.

I have updated browsers and it comes with a built in spell checker! That is one thing I have wanted for this blog. Not much of a spell checker as much as a type checker. My spelling may not be perfect, but it is the typos that I can’t stand. I do know the number of times I have had to edit posts to correct typing. It’s a small thing, but means a lot to me.

I have had some fun this week updated the apps on my flash drive. I primarily use portableapps.com and it is amazing how well they all work. The handiest of them is the email client, Mozilla Thunderbird. I can check email anywhere now and it not even be a hotmail account!  I maxed out my 512MB drive a while back and upgraded to a 2GB drive a while back. I have not done a whole lot until this past week. I reloaded all the apps, installed a menu and backup system as well. It may not be much, but I had a fun time doing it.

Continue reading Geek type stuff