It’s a conspiracy!

Hmmm….  All three “Dancing with the Stars” semi-finalists end up with EXACTLY the same score from the judges at the end of competition tonight.  So, if none of the judges want to see anyone leave, why do the viewers have to make that decision?  I say, give out 3 mirror ball trophies!!

There’s no Ketchup on Exile Island…

But there is a whole lotta ketchup on Survivor!!  No, wait, that was peanut butter and potatoes.  I’m sorry, I got confused.

Okay, so since I last commented on Survivor, CaoBoi & Christina were canned, Nate was kidnapped to Aitu (briefly), Raro finally won an immunity challenge, and Flicka is no more.

Yup, that about sums it up.

But since I’m not one to mince words, I’ll make a few comments.

CaoBoi HAD to go.  OMG.  He was totally not million-dollar quality.  Only his gift of gab could outlast anyone on that island, and I think that’s not exactly what the producers had in mind.  I liked his planned voodoo idea – and it would have been a shocker for Jonathan if Aitu had gone through with it – but I’m glad the tribe changed the voodoo and pinned it on the mystic cowboy.  Christina – OMG.  She needed to just LET IT GO.  But she didn’t, so they LET HER GO.  Good choice.  At this point in the game, it’s about the strongest TEAM and she was just not going to strengthen the team with her obsessive-compulsing.  And, in a fun little twist…just when it looked like Aitu was going to run away with this game and reduce raging Raro to rumpled-up rittle rimps, Raro goes and BEATS AITU IN AN IMMUNITY CHALLENGE!  No Way!  I mean, NO WAY!  No, seriously, NO WAY!!  Wow.  But Flicka, just being the irrepressible free-spirited (and horribly tatooed) individual that she is just had no action plan, so the team presented her with her very own exit strategy.  How clever.  And how very thoughtful of them.  I’m glad she’s gone.  She was not million-dollar material either, and would have been a horrible addition to the jury.

All along, I’ve been favoring Jonathan – he seems to be playing the game hard and thinking things through.  But I’m discovering that Ozzy is the one to watch.  He doesn’t have the immunity idol, but he might not need it.  And if Yul gets in a tight spot, we might have ourselves a game.  It’ll be fun to see what surprises the show throws at us in the coming weeks.