Tiger Lily (Edwards) Speer, May 6, 1991-November 16, 2006

Today, we said farewell to our dear friend and family member Tiger Lily.  For the past several weeks, she had been struggling with her weight and stomach problems.  We switched her to moist cat food and initially it seemed to help, but this week, she began to look emaciated and started throwing up again.  I took her to the vet on Tuesday, and they drew blood to check for problems.  The diagnosis: either cancer or liver problems, neither of which held much promise of being treatable, much less curable.  As a result, we made the decision to have her put down today. Continue reading Tiger Lily (Edwards) Speer, May 6, 1991-November 16, 2006


I have a theory about the next couple weeks of Jerico. The main one is the supply drop they discover. They find that the drop has Chinese markings so everyone thinks it is supplies for the invading Chinese troops. Well, everything is made in China, so of course it had Chinese markings people.  Geesh.  I know that America is the technology leader and everyone else is light years behind us (ed. note: sarcasm) but do the Chinese really need to deliver 20Kt nukes via U-Haul? Gosh, why not use a giant trebuchet instead.  Oh, yeah, they have these big missle type thingys.  Yeah, they are called ICBMs!  If China wants to nuke us, they can just lob a few warheads our way.  The Chinese supply drop they find is a humanitarian drop to help the American people after this attack.  Well, that is my theory at least.

to everything there is a season….

Well, it is Wednesday night.  Some would think that I am lamenting LOST.  That is true.  It is just not the same and Groundhog Day with guns just does not excite me.  It is now twelve weeks until LOST is back on the air.  I have heard that they will air a recap epi, and some other type stuff, so that will be good.  Nope, tonight I am lamenting Debbi’s cat.  I say Debbi’s because she married the cat before she married me.  We have a bunch of wonderful stories about Tiger Lily.  Ask us about them some time.  She has been sick, so it is time.  She had a good 15 years and will be dearly missed.  I am sure Debbi will post on this at some time, but it has been on heart and I wanted to say just a bit.  Thanks.

From the South Baby!

Okay, the quiz results were messing up the format of the blog, so here they are.

My American accent is from the West, but I am from the South!

I am 24% Christian.  Glad the quiz is not my ticket into Heaven.  BTW, don’t let Bobby know.  Thanks.

Click here is interested in taking the quizzes.

Wires and wires…..

…everywhere.  Well, DSL may be running, but the email accounts have not been updated yet.  We can receive our old email thru the DSL line, but not send.  So, I have two complete internet access points set up.  I just change two wires and we make the switch.  One wire is from my computer to the router, the other is from the wall to the router.  The one feeding the wall goes to another switch to feed the rest of the house.  So i just change from router to router.  It is very quick, but a pain to have two access points operational.

I have the SBC modem and router plugged in and hooked up the way they well be.  I have the purely online modem and router on my desk, but powered from an opposite wall so the wires are going across the room.  I just do not have emough room for two more power bricks on my surge protector.  The next plan of attack is somehow getting the purely online email accounts to send thru SBC.  Once that is done, I can completely uninstall purely online.  I have already set up two more blogospeer email accounts for me, and will set up more for Debbi.  That sill solve the problem as well by just updating, and deleting, email accounts from OE and Thunderbird.

DSL is here….

This post is thru the new DSL internet access.  It is going thru the new router as well.  I picked up the router at church, reset it, and logged into it.  It was as easy as it should have been.  I am not sure why the Linksys was flakey, but the D-Link is working fine.  I have not tested the wireless aspect yet, but it should be pretty good.  The router is on the second floor.  It is unsecure at the moment.  I do not feel like fixerating that now.  I have checked Debbi’s studio computer, and it works fine.  I need to check on Trey’s and check the laptop.  Broadband reports that my d/l speed is 3% better than the average AT&T customer.  Yeah!

Manilla, we have a problem…..

Last night I spent about 45 minutes, on the phone, with Jill from Manilla. She was the AT&T tech support that I got when I called for help. The DSL install software could not talk to the mother ship and was having issues. Well, I called and her advice was to do the install manualy. I like that idea because the software is not needed. After 45 minutes she blamed the problem on Microsoft (don’t we all) and we parted ways. I did get he information for my router to talk to the new DSL modem, more on that later.

I called RC and just mentioned what was happening to him. I was not really asking for help, just passing on info. Well, we had hard-coded the DNS information to get the home network going years ago. That was the problem. After fixerating that, I could get out to the internet. Mind you, just my machine. I hooked the router into the chain and inputed the proper information. It did not like the gateway information. So I Google searched to get some more information. My saving grace in this story is that I have not canceled Purely Online yet. So, I still have internet access for the house. I can quickly rewire and switch between AT&T and Purely Online. Anyway, I got some good information from the web and tried it. Nope, not gonna do it. I have set the router to use a static IP address as well as PPPoE and both have not worked. I think RC will have to make a tech call when are schedules work out.

DSL update

I received a package from AT&T on Tuesday containing all the self install stuff I would need.  Well, the DSL line was suppossed to be activated on Thursday.  Last night I hooked up all the stuff, installed the software that you don’t need, but it won’t work unless you do, and tried the new DSL.  Mind you, I still have PurelyOnline as well.  Good thing too.  It took four separate trys, with reboots, for the computer to even see the DSL modem.  After seeing the modem, the software could not talk to the mother ship and requested trying at a later date.  Well, it was bedtime, so I will try again tonight.  I could not find any information about setting up the router, so I will neeed to get that info from them as well.  I’ll update later.  Looking real forward to true broadband at half the cost.

Florida Voters…..another rocket scientist

My father collected stamps and coins. I have dabbled with it and know a little about it. This story takes the cake.

A Florida voter mailed in his absentee ballot for the elections. The person forgot to sign the ballot. The person also forgot to put a return address on the ballot. This makes it virtually impossible to return the 1918 INVERTED JENNY STAMP that is on the ballot. This one stamp is the most saught after and collectable stamp, and a Flordia voter just used it to mail in an absentee ballot. I can not wait to hear about this on Leno. I can hear Jay now, “Florida voters are idiots!”

Okay, here is the philisophical thought now….how many of us have a “1918 inverted Jenny stamp” and waste them as well.