MTBF – not very much in this case

All hard drives die.  That is just a rule.  Some die earlier than others.  The hard drive in my old 486 is still kicking.  Well, it would be if it was still running.  It is serving as a door stop now, or some other form of modern art.  An eleven month old drive is failing.  I bought it last December for the new home server.  I do not know if it has completely failed, or it just happens to have a couple of errors in the wrong places.  So, I know have two more 500GB hard drives.  Thank you CompUSA.  The MTBF is something like 1.2 million hours, or a failure rate of 0.34%, depending on what you read.  Apparently the eleven month old drive did not get the news.  Its’ MTBF is around 8,000 hours.  So if I round, it is about 1.2 million hours short of reaching its’ goal.

My goal tonight is to get the server down, and ready to be operated on tomorrow.  I need to line of a spare mouse, keyboard, and monitor for it.  The first two are easy.  The monitor will have to be pulled from another machine.  I do have a spare 19″ CRT boxed up, but I don’t want to lug that thing out.  It really needs to head into the donation pile.  I have other stuff for that pile too.  Tomorrow I operate.