Another year, another biopsy…

Well last year it was the prostate, this year it is the lymph nodes.  I am not sure what next year will bring.  I have a couple of enlarges lymph nodes on the left side of my neck / shoulder.  My doctor wanted them looked at by an ENT.  That was done, and the ENT wanted a CT scan of the area.  That is now done.  The results: a biopsy, but not of the two enlarged nodes.  Nope.  Not those.  It is for the huge, ginormous lymph node buried under the muscle of my neck.  It is very, very hard to feel.   I plan to set that up next week some time.  I will probably schedule for sometime the week after.  This biopsy should be less painful than the prostate biopsy and nothing compares to gum surgery.  I have no idea how long it will take to get the results.  The only good thing about this is the cost.  We have met our deductable for the year, so all of this is free.  That is truyly a bonus.  I just wish the gum surgery was covered by the same insurance.  I guess I will have results to blog about in a month or so.  The ENT did say that even if this is lymphoma, which she doubts, it appears to be progressing very slow.  That would be good.  My treatments would be free too, until January 1, then I gotta start paying again.